Spring Town Hall
Date TBD

Twice a year, the B.U.R.N. Board of Operations (aka BurnOps or the committee formerly known as the Steering Committee) hosts an all-tribes meeting. Our spring version is called Town Hall, and it's designed to help interested parties keep abreast of the plethora of new developments and new ways to participate in the Chicago Burning Man community. 

· Got a plan you want to pitch to the community? 
· Have an art project?
· Want to learn more about Art and Civic Grant Programs, get involved with Decompression, or other BURN Projects?
· Have a theme camp going to Lakes of Fire or the Playa and need some moties to help you out?

Meet-and-Greet: 6:30–7:30pm
Presentations: 7:30–9:30pm

BURNOps books the space, but Town Hall is really for you.
Contact DownTownDave adowntowndave23@gmail.com to book your presentation.



2200 N California Ave,
Chicago, IL 60647


©2023 B.U.R.N.